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Google Sheets Add-on Documentation
Google Sheets Add-on Documentation

Add-round overview of features in Google Sheets Add-on

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Written by Team
Updated over 3 years ago

This guide will make sure to highlight all the features available with the Twelve Data Google Sheets Add-on. However, before we proceed, make sure to have the add-on installed.

All functions begin with the TD{function_name}. The Parameter Info popup shows the names of the parameters in function calls. Google Sheets automatically shows a popup with all available method signatures within 1 second (1000 milliseconds).

Add-on menu

Add-ons ➤ Twelve Data ➤ Insert
The interval button would generate the combo box with all available interval options.
The Technical Indicators button will load a dynamically updated list of indicators from the server.

Add-ons ➤ Twelve Data ➤ Update
Due to some limitations that Google Sheets imposes, e.g. Google Quotas, we provide the option to update the formulas manually and automatically. With this submenu, formulas can be updated manually in the selection, only the error ones, or all simultaneously.

Add-ons ➤ Twelve Data ➤ Settings
The first field allows you to change or remove the API key.
The second field accepts an integer number with the number of minutes for the automatic refresh of the sheet. Take note that the updates will only work when the Twelve Data Settings tab is open.


Reference data

Core data


  • TDProfile

  • TDDividends

  • TDSplits

  • TDEarnings

  • TDEarningsCalendar

  • TDIpoCalendar

  • TDStatistics

  • TDInsiderTransactions

  • TDIncomeStatement

  • TDBalanceSheet

  • TDCashFlow

  • TDOptionsExpiration

  • TDOptionsChain

  • TDKeyExecutives

  • TDInstitutionalHolders

  • TDFundHolders

Pro-tip. When you want to change align of data when requesting certain fundamental functions from horizontal to vertical use =TRANSPOSE function.


Returns the list of equities satisfying the criteria.
=TDStockList(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, type: string, headers: string)


Returns the list of physical pairs satisfying the criteria.
=TDForexList(symbol: string, currency_base: string, currency_quote: string, headers: string)


Returns the list of digital pairs satisfying the criteria.
=TDCryptoList(symbol: string, exchange: string, currency_base: string, currency_quote: string, headers: string)


Returns the list of ETFs satisfying the criteria.
=TDETFList(symbol: string, headers: string)


Returns the list of indices satisfying the criteria.
=TDIndicesList(symbol: string, country: string, headers: string)


Returns the list of exchanges satisfying the criteria.
=TDExchanges(type: string, name: string, code: string, country: string, headers: string)


Returns the list of all cryptocurrency exchanges available.
=TDCryptoExchanges(symbol: string, country: string, headers: string)


Returns the list of instruments primarily satisfying the search criteria.
=TDSymbolSearch(symbol: string, headers: string)


Returns time series with open, high, low, and close prices (OHLC) + the volume data (V).
=TDTimeSeries(symbol: string, interval: string, exchange: string, country: string, type: string, outputsize: integer, order: string, timezone: string, start_date: string, end_date: string, prepost: string, headers: string)


Returns time series with open, high, low, and close prices (OHLC) for physical & digital currencies.
=TDCurrencyTimeSeries(base: string, quote: string, interval: string, exchange: string, country: string, type: string, outputsize: integer, order: string, timezone: string, start_date: string, end_date: string, prepost: string, headers: string)


Returns the exchange rate for the base currency against the quote currency.
=TDExchangeRate(base: string, quote: string, headers: string)


Returns the exchange rate + the amount converted from the base currency to the quote currency.
=TDCurrencyConversion(base: string, quote: string, amountl: string, headers: string)


Returns the latest quote with OHLC, volume, and 52-week data at the specified interval.
=TDQuote(symbol: string, interval: string, exchange: string, country: string, volume_time_period: integer, type: string, timezone: string, prepost: string, headers: string)


Returns the latest price for the specified instrument.
=TDPrice(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, type: string, prepost: string, headers: string)


Returns the official EOD price for the specified instrument.
=TDEOD(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, type: string, prepost: string, headers: string)


Returns the technical indicator time series for the specified instrument and interval.
=TDTechnicalIndicator(name: string, parameters: string, symbol: string, interval: string, exchange: string, country: string, type: string, outputsize: integer, order: string, timezone: string, start_date: string, end_date: string, prepost: string, headers: string)

Parameters might be a string consisting of customized parameters for the technical indicator as per documentation. Each parameter has to be separated by the ampersand (&) sign.


Returns logo of the company.

=IMAGE(TDLogo(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string))


Returns general information about the company.

=TDProfile(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string)


Returns the amount of dividends paid out for the last 10+ years.

=TDDividends(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, range: string, start_date: string, end_date: string)


Returns the date and the split factor of shares of the company for the last 10+ years.

=TDSplits(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, range: string, start_date: string, end_date: string)


This API call returns earnings data for a given company, including EPS estimate and EPS actual. Earnings are available for complete company history.

=TDEarnings(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, type: string, period: string, outputsize: integer, dp: integer, start_date: string, end_date: string)


This API method returns earning data as a calendar for a given date range. By default today’s earning is returned. To call custom period, use start_date and end_date parameters.

=TDEarningsCalendar(dp: integer, start_date: string, end_date: string)


This endpoint returns past, today, or upcoming IPOs.

=TDIpoCalendar(exchange: string, country: string, start_date: string, end_date: string)


Returns current overview of company’s main statistics including valuation metrics and financials.

=TDStatistics(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string)


Returns trading information performed by insiders.

=TDInsiderTransactions(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string)


Returns complete income statement of a company and shows the company’s revenues and expenses during a period (annual or quarter).

=TRANSPOSE(TDIncomeStatement(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, period: string, start_date: string, end_date: string))


Returns complete balance sheet of a company showing the summary of assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.

=TRANSPOSE(TDBalanceSheet(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, period: string, start_date: string, end_date: string))


Returns complete cash flow of a company showing net the amount of cash and cash equivalents being transferred into and out of a business.

=TRANSPOSE(TDCashFlow(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string, period: string, start_date: string, end_date: string))


Return the expiration dates of an option contract.

=TDOptionsExpiration(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string)


Returns a listing of all available options contracts for given security. It shows all listed puts, calls, their expiration, strike prices, and pricing information for a single underlying asset within a given maturity period.

=TDOptionsChain(symbol: string, expiration_date: string, option_id: string, exchange: string, country: string, side: string)


Returns individuals at the highest level of management of an organization.

=TDKeyExecutives(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string)


Returns the amount of the company’s available stock owned by institutions (pension funds, insurance companies, investment firms, private foundations, endowments, or other large entities that manage funds on behalf of others).

=TDInstitutionalHolders(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string)


Returns the amount of the company’s available stock owned by mutual fund holders.

=TDFundHolders(symbol: string, exchange: string, country: string)

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